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“Nescafé Plan” Wins PH 2021 Grand Anvil Award – Nescafé Thanks DA, LandBank, GIZ

Nescafé’s concern for coffee farmers is what I am concerned about today, with Nescafé Philippines winning the 2021 “Grand Anvil Award” at the “56th Anvil Awards” virtual ceremonies on 19 February 2021, according to ANN[1] (Author Not Named, 04 March 2021,

The Anvil Awards is a yearly project of the Public Relations Society of the Philippines (PRSP). The panel of jurors for this year’s awards was chaired by former Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio Jr. The PRSP was founded by Jose A Carpio[2], who defined public relations as “doing good and telling it well” (Luis J Morales, 10 September 2018, “PR Then And Now: Doing Good And Telling It Well,” That is as articulate as you can get!

This year’s Anvil winner, “Nescafé Plan Project Coffee+,” is actively assisting in meeting the production, postharvest processing & marketing needs of 1,500 coffee farmers of Bukidnon and Sultan Kudarat in Mindanao.

The Nescafé Plan – they don’t make them like they used to!

ANN above says:

The Grand Anvil was bestowed on the Nescafé Plan, a long-term program of Nestlé Philippines to help the country’s Robusta coffee farmers raise their yields, incomes and quality of life, while promoting increased local coffee production and the growth of the country’s coffee industry, within the framework of sustainability. Under (the Nescafé Plan), production by the participants has doubled, while incomes have tripled. Nestlé Philippines increased its local buying of Robusta coffee beans in the past crop year by 27%.

It’s Mutual Advancement Society!

What Nescafé and the coffee farmers of Mindanao are doing is not simply public relations but public service – the company provides material assistances, plural, and the farmers produce excellent coffee beans that Nescafé Philippines needs for its products. (I am an inveterate coffee drinker, and my favorite is Nescafé Brown.)

Institutional partners of Nestlé Philippines in carrying out the Nescafé Plan are the Department of Agriculture (DA); the DA agencies Agricultural Credit Policy Council and Agricultural Training Institute; Department of Trade and Industry, LandBank, and GIZ, the German Corporation for International Cooperation.

Now then, the Nescafé Plan we are talking about as public relations is also international relations. I’ll drink to that!

In fact, this year Nestlé Philippines won many Anvil awards, and Chairman and CEO Kais Marzouki said of them:

As the Kasambuhay[4] of Filipino coffee farmers and of the environment, we are deeply honored to be conferred these Anvil Awards, which equally belong to our partners in the government and the private sectors because they have helped make our accomplishments a reality. Their collaboration is important. In the face of the pandemic, as a force for good, we are inspired to work even harder as we help build better lives for our coffee farmers and a sustainable coffee industry, and pursue the journey towards a waste-free future.

The Nescafé Plan is also Collaboration. 
Collaboration for Good is the name of the game!@517


[2]They must be blood relations but I could not find a corroborating link.


[4]Literally, “life partner”


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