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PH Transformation – Via Ron Amos Jr’s “Cultural Revolution” Or Frank A Hilario’s “Agri-Cultural Revolution”?

Thursday morning, 29 April 2021, at about 0830 hours, I read Ron Amos Jr’s “The Need For A Cultural Revolution” as his “Transit Dialog” Facebook post, all 722 words excluding byline, and I have been moved to respond via this essay – because what Mr Amos is sharing is 100% problem and 0% solution!

Mr Amos says:

What we need is to reimagine and reinvent the country and ourselves: a cultural revolution that will create not only our identity but also our unified spirit. How we do it is by transitioning from the medieval age of rule by influence, wealth, creed, and power towards a society that willingly balances the individual and the community, freedom and restraint, and privileges and duties.

How do we do ALL that? Mr Amos is not saying. The best that he says towards a solution is this, “A Call To Action:”

So as not to point fingers, we all start within ourselves – our backyards, bloodlines, and even barkadas. Our leaders need a change of mind from preserving their status quo to favoring the people’s welfare; the people need to mature as responsible members of society.

Indefinable. Imprecise. Indefinite. Even God had to be specific as to what He wanted His people to do, and so He came up with The Ten Commandments! And we are still disobeying them.

Mr Amos says, “Has anyone noticed that force or periods of strife unified some of the most progressive nations today, such as The United States of America, China, the UK, and Japan?” Ah, Mr Amos, indeed they are progressive countries, but at the expense of hundreds of millions of people. We need to do more than those!

Mr Amos’ Cultural Revolution has set me to thinking about an Agri-Cultural Revolution – by Simultaneously Cultivating the Soil and the Mind.


Farming begins by Cultivating the Soil. Today, we must learn to cultivate it in such a way as to allow the natural processes to work themselves out. Keeping the environment sound.

We must do trash farming to help the soil regenerate itself naturally – and the farms to produce much healthy foods and the farmers rewarded handsomely.

Living continues by Cultivating the Mind. We must financially assist farmers so that they avoid usury that denies them the fruits of their labor.

We must increase the efficiency of harvesting, postharvest handling, storage, and marketing of produce, so that farmers are not taken advantage of by merchants.

Community living is promoted by social justice. We must encourage farmers, villagers & others to become members of cooperatives and support farming via those coops. That is all the PH cultural revolution necessary – and it should be painless.

We have millions of farmers and their families; therefore, an Agri-Cultural Revolution that I have just summarized should catapult the Philippines into a country Filipinos would be happy about.

And all that falls within what Secretary of Agriculture William Dar  calls the New Thinking for Agriculture. We are on our way to the Promised Land!@517


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