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Science Reporting – Please Be Careful With My Art!


This note comes from me, not from American journalist Neil deGrasse Tyson; I just needed the sign “The problem with science journalism.” In America, they have different and bigger problems in journalism! We think big; they think Bigger.
(image[1] from Big Think)

Mentioning neither the name of the PH journalist here, nor sex, the news story is titled “DoST Bares 100 Completed Innovation Projects Amid Covid-19 Pandemic[2]” that appeared in the Manila Bulletin issue of 22 April 2021. (DoST is the Department of Science & Technology.)

It’s technically wrong. The journalistic mistake is right there in the headline of the story, in this phrase: “100 Completed Innovation Projects.” But you cannot fully appreciate the error in reporting unless you know more of the standard operating procedures (SOP) of science. Let me now quote the first paragraph (with editing):

The…Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (PCIEERD) bared Thursday, April 22, the completion of a total of 100 research, development and innovation projects in the industry, energy, and emerging technologies sectors…

Note that the 100 science projects reported completed in 2020 are not 100% “innovation” but also “research and development (R&D).” R&D SOP requires they will go on under research towards full development of the technology, research not yet completed. In fact, the report says PCIEERD Executive Director Enrico Paringit says:

Of the 100 completed projects, 15… are ready for technology transfer and commercialization, 16 for deployment to national government agencies, 41 for follow-up researches, 21 for crafting of policy recommendations, and seven under facilities, technology business incubators, and capacity building.

I don’t know about “deployment to national government agencies,” but I’m sure all the 100 are would-be innovation projects, but only 15 are now truly completed and ready for technology transfer – it’s not yet innovation when it’s not ready for technology transfer!

Mr Paringit made his institutional report during the initial & virtual opening of the 3-day Philippine Research, Development, and Innovation Conference (PRDIC), “the country’s first massive, online public presentation of research, development, and innovation projects in the industry, energy, and emerging technology sectors.”

And why was the PRDIC conjured? Mr Paringit says, “We initiated this event to keep the public abreast (of) the development of our cutting-edge solutions that (will help) us usher in the next wave of growth and prosperity. It is through science and technology that we can get our way out of this crisis.”

As a communicator for development, I agree; the PCIEERD is developing innovative technology solutions to bring the country to “the next wave of growth and prosperity” – but the science of reporting – not the fault of PCIEERD I must say – must be correct and accurate!

Now then, I am calling the attention of the Science Editor of the Manila Bulletin – and other Science Editors of other print and digital media – to mind their materials when it comes to science reporting. Today with digital media all over the place, in science, you can play with words and get away with it – but not for long!@517




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