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For PH Farm Families, An Innovation Gift From ACPC – “Hiram Na Ligaya” (Happiness ‘N Loan)

Angela Celis has come out with a Malaya report, “Innovation Should Focus On Agri To Sustain Growth” (22 April 2021), starting with these words: “Innovation work moving forward should focus on the agriculture and manufacturing sectors to sustain the country’s long-term economic growth, according to the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).” 

Miss Angela is reporting on PH’s 1st National Innovation Day virtual event 21 April 2021; she quotes Karl Kendrick Chua, Director General of NEDA as saying:

Instead of simply assembling products and using ideas that were generated from other countries, we have to now gradually shift to a new framework where the ideas are coming from within the country, from within our human resources.

Mr Chua is saying something like this: “No borrowing of innovation from other countries. We Filipinos can do the innovating ourselves to bring about the next level of economic development.”

I agree. Then Mr Chua says, “We have several bright Filipinos working abroad, in other countries contributing, and I see no reason why they cannot come back and contribute.“

I disagree! I see every reason why we Filipinos residing in the Philippines right now can innovate for our farmers.

Now then, I have been thinking of what I call “Hiram Na Ligaya” (Happiness ‘N Loan). Hopefully, this will be a gift from the Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) – a loan arranged for by ACPC that may be as high as P1 million depending on the resources of each farm family.
(“Happiness On Loan” image[1] from Dada Bhagwan Foundation)

Loan Requirements: For the family to be able to avail of The Happiness Loan, the husband and wife must be bonafide and rules-abiding members of a legitimate cooperative in their village or town. The loan will be available digitally, via “The Happiness App,” exclusive to each family – “relative happiness.”

The Happiness Loan will make sure of the following:

(1)   Security:
It is actually the coop that is the keeper of the funds for The Happiness Loan for all coop members.

(2)   Programming:
The Happiness Loan will be made available via a digital app, The Happiness App. First in English, later, the app may be translated into major languages in the Philippines: Bisaya, Cebuano, Ilocano, Kapampangan, Muslim, Pangasinense, Tagalog etc.

(3)   Planning:
For each family, a separate digital family record vis-à-vis The Happiness Loan will be kept. Neither husband nor wife singly can transact any loan business without the knowledge and consent of the other. The husband and wife will then by necessity jointly plan their family loan considering farming and family needs.

(4)   Paper Record:
The request for a loan will be made in writing and signed by both husband and wife, after which it is sent to the coop for approval. 

(5)   No unnecessary partying:
The husband can no longer borrow at will for any impromptu partying with his friends at any time – the wife has to approve of each loan whatever the amount. The Happiness Loan is for the happiness of both husband and wife!@517



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